Contest Club
QRV since 1993.

With 2 members who are on holiday (PA7KG and PG2A) and one who has joint OU2DX (PD7RB), we had a short on opertors this year. So we decided to run the contest for fun in a M/S setup.
We start the contest at 5 utc on saturday morning. During the next 39 hours PI4CC hit the airwaves with 2 operators behind the radio.

Our setup is always the same: K3 radio, PA 400W, Win-test logging software and MTTY for decoding RTTY.
We have made a simpel way to use 2 MTTY decoders on the 2 receivers inside the K3 combined with our 2 antennes system.
More detailed info on the RTTY setup and for the 2 antenna configuration is on the techical pages. This contest is a good time to test the new high power bandpass filters. All went well and there no problems with the hardeware.

Since we are at the low sun spot cicle, we have no plan or illusion to make a good score. The last years have run in a M2 or M/M setup. The last M/S contest was is 1998 where we made 940K points. The first day we made 1350 qso's and totally unexpect we smashed our all time high score with in 24 hours of contesting!

A look-up www.cqwwrtty.com shows that a PA record in the M/S rtty class was possible. Its in hands of PI4COM since 1999!
This gives some motivation to move on!

The qso rate at sunday was low, but with 30+ qso's / hour we came closer and closer. At 12:40 we passed the old record. Now we have plenty of time to bring some safety points in!

Finaly at 20 UTC we decided to go home. The rate was still low, we worked most ot the active stations for that moment and we had about 600K of spare room to claim a new PA M/S record

Contest         : CQ World Wide DX Contest
          Callsign        : PI4CC
          Mode            : RTTY
          Category        : Multi Operator - Single Transmitter (MS)
          Overlay         : ---
          Band(s)         : All bands (AB)
          Class           : High Power (HP)
          Zone/State/...  : 14
          Locator         : 
          Operating time  : 39h06
            80   126  13  54   0  12     273  2.17 
            40   404  30  91   1  40    1015  2.51 
            20  1285  32 104  17  49    3327  2.59 
            15   172  30  81   0  22     450  2.62 
            10    46  11  30   0   1     111  2.41 
            TOTAL  2033 116 360  18 124    5176  2.55 
            TOTAL SCORE : 3 105 600


Operators : PA0C PA2DK PA4LA PC2A PD1RP PG2M

April 2018.
The scores are final and we end up with 2,804,896 points. This is good for a new PA RTTY M/S record!


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